Thursday, January 5, 2012

Post New Year's Post

Interestingly enough, my pre new year woes have been remedied and it's only Jan 5th! So, in celebration of me... I think I will bask in the glory for a minute here in 100 words or less.
Here goes

#1 Toys vs. 756 square feet.
I.... I mean my daughter got a toy organizer from uncle and all is right in the world. Although no additional toys will be accepted until we obtain more square footage!

#2 Horzintal husband.
The following day he came down with a cold. Go figure.

#3 The job puzzle.
I was offered a job with one family that consists of three ten hour days which is a little more than I really want to work but, will deal with it on payday.

Hurrah! Bring on 2013....just kidding. The amount of change coming our way this year is more than enough to scare the heck out of me. So, I am now making a new resolution to breathe deeply, take one day at a time and enjoy the ride.


Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Pre New Year

I often skip the traditional 'new year's resolutions' and save it for my birthday. I was born in the summer and it usually is my best time of year to celebrate and do something meaningful to start my year of being one year older.

Looking at the shape of my house, my family and my mood I am thinking I could use that boost sooner than July 14th.

My almost toddler had a birthday in November followed by Christmas a month later. Both events showered her with more toys and clothes than we can even fit in our 756 sq foot condo. The toys and I are currently staring eachother down and I am feeling like the toys are winning.

My husband, though works very hard, tends to lie like a lump on any horizontal surface eventually falling asleep prematurly. Leaving me to do everything and feel like I live alone. Which would be fine with me as long as the lump didn't snore while taking up space on my couch.

I need to make a sort of resolution to organize my work life. Currently I piece together three different families and their need for a nanny. I need to make the leap to just one job a few days a week. I am very close to getting there. Job offer came in. Just have to get the courage to quit my current job. I know the mom is not going to be pleased and the 8 year old girl will not take well to the change. I need to give a month notice and am not looking forward to that month.

So, here's to the new year and some more thought on what I need to do to straighten out and make my life a little more streamline.

Cheers! (I think I need a drink!)

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


My daughter was a trooper.
Her party was a lot of work but, a lot of fun.

The photo dress up 'booth' was a hit, no one got any injuries from dancing or the pinata and the food was all eaten. E had a modified one nap schedule and dada managed to get tights on her wiggly body all by 2pm. (Although based on the small laugh Papa gave when I commented on the tights success I think there was quite a wrestling match.)

And then there is the wrestling match currently going on with the photographer....

I liked this idea of having a dress up selection of props and kids being goofy and dressing up and getting their picture taken. The kids and parents liked this idea too. And while there was a photographer, I felt I didn't need to worry about my camera during such photo ops as eating cupcake, singing happy birthday or any cute moment.

After all, we didn't hire a caterer so I had food to prep and put out (along with my saintly mother in law......amazing woman). The pictures were all going to be posted on a web site. Guests can order what they wanted without me getting involved blah, blah, blah. All is good in the hood. Then came reality. The pictures that could be bought were of archival quality and cost $21.99 per print whether a 4x6 or 8x10 size.

This clearly must be a typo.

Forget my guests... how am I going to get prints of my baby's one year old party moments!? I have since emailed and conversed with the photographer (also mom of three) and her view is that she would rather sell high quality prints to preserve the professionalism of her work. Ummmmm excuse me but, did you meet me and my friends and family? Don't get me wrong.... she did a great job but, I just wanted someone to take pictures so I can download them onto snapfish and get 9¢ copies to put in a photobook that will sit on a shelf that I'll look at once a year IF THAT!

We are still in debate.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Quick Preparation

It's been a while. Currently my daughter is waking from nap, my computer battery is dying and I have other things I should be doing. Today is my daughter's BIG one year birthday party. Did I mention BIG!? Tnhere are 45 less people attending this party than our wedding. We have rented a hall and hired a photographer. This has been a group effort with mothers, sisters, brothers, and dads involved. I can't wait!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

new thoughts

Lately, I feel like I am running the rat race and not getting anything out of it (ok maybe some pay) and not enjoying anything. I am being negative and short fused. I am away from my daughter more than I would like due to committments and guilt of trying to please everyone else. I am lacking energy and feel gross.

STOP! I need to get off this ride!

I needed this affirmational blog today to take claim of a few things. I need to say no. I need to what is best for me as E's mom. I need to do whats best for E. I need to have positive words and thoughts come from my brain. I need to eat healthy to feel healthy.

Bring on tomorrow and with it the strength to regain what I seemed to have lost over the last two weeks.


Sunday, August 28, 2011

Gratitude Moment

Hmmmm.... here's one I thought I needed to share.

How I originally got into htis blogging stuff was through an email request stemming from an old college friend with whom I am FB friends with. She was a roomate for a summer and a fellow RA during my college days. Very insightful even then and continues to be with her blog looking at "green" ways of parenting as well as a little psychology (her profession) leaking in once in a while. You should check her out at She actually was my push to become a "blogger". She had an interesting post this week.

She says that people have more positive experiences and more positive affects if they were to take a few minutes a day to write down a few things they are greatful for.

I love this idea! Here goes.....

#1. For my little family. I love that my husband respects my job of taking care of E and encourages me to have time for myself. I love that they can survive without me (even though I think he needs me).

#2 My beautiful baby! I just love her to pieces and realize that I am truely blessed to have such a happy and healthy little girl.

#3 Coffee. (Do I need to say more? It is the sustanence of my life)

#4 The peace and quiet I have found in this morning so I can have some time to recharge.

#5 My job. Although being a nanny is not very glamorous and is not reguarded as a high profile job, it lets me feel useful in our family by bringing home some bacon and still can be with E to raise and care for her.

#6 Husband. He works so hard for us which lets me work only somtimes. (see #5)

This list was easy to write down because I am thankful for these things and think of them almost everyday. Life is good.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Summer Stay

Its only the beginning of August I keep telling myself.
For some reason I am trying to hold onto the summer but, it seems like it is slipping away. And with it my baby.

Which is kind of ironic seeming how all during the summer I found myself saying "next year E will be more fun" or "when E is a little older" or "It will be easier when she can walk". Hold the clock still please! I take it all back.

Tonight I met my husband after work for a beer and dinner. My husband asked whats on tap?

Shipyard Pumpkinhead Ale. My favorite beer all year. As I thouroughly enjoyed the sweet cinnamonny brew, I was thinking how last year I missed the fall beer season due to being pregnant. I will say I fully hated becoming the science experiment that they refer to as pregnancy. Although my body was not my own for 9 long months, we were waiting to meet our baby. Now it seems that she is growing up so quick. She is too busy wiggling around to spend time on our laps. She won't lay on your chest and fall asleep when you try to burp her after her bedtime bottle. When you do get the chance to hold her it has to be at an angle so that her legs fit to the side. She has opionions (and objects loudly) about things when they are not how she would like it to be.

I miss our snuggly little baby but, love seeing her discover and laugh at new things. Please remember baby.....I love you with all my might don't ever get to big and forget that.